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Cutting profiles of big dimensions by means of special accessories. Cutting profiles with retracted or extruded gaskets is possible. Cutting of point to point dimension at all variants. ideal machine for high volume production when cutting 90 and 45 degrees. Standard equipped with sawblades. Vertical pneumatic clamping. Safety hoods. Minimum cutting length 90 degrees 350mm. Minimum cutting length 45 degress tilted 350mm. Tilting range inwards 90 - 45 degrees.
This saw carries 330mm blades and is the most popular double head mitre saw in the fabrication industry. Fully guarded blades with new spraymist for aluminium cutting, but also advised for upvc (dry). Air vertical clamping (option or horizontal). Semi-pneumatic operation. This machine is fully rebuilt to chassis. Fully serviced, replaced air tubing. New control box moved from fixed position to moveable over machine length. Left hand head is fixed while right head is measured along strip readout.
Pertici 379 single head chop saw
Automatic operation (can be connected to a digital measuring system as shown on the website). Air clamping 45 -90 -45 angles and compound angle. Fully cleaned and serviced and new belts. Spray mist. Resharpened blades.
Fully rebuilt. Air clamping. 350mm resharpened blade. Very heavy duty. Spray mist. Floor standing. Serviced and cleaned and refinished (can be connected to the Pertici Visual measuring system as shown elsewhere on the website).
As normal STB router but with a wide carriage. Air clamping. Spraymist. Floor standing. Serviced and cleaned and refinished.
Fully rebuilt. Very powerful 5000kg thrust at 7bar air-pressure and max 200mm profile height. Full toolings and fittings. Digital settings on both heads and centre feed.
Pertici 400 automatic single head chop saw
Air clamping. Full automatic movement. Spray mist. Resharpened blade. Fully serviced. New belts. Cleaned. Refinished. Pertici is one of the most popular names in the industry. (can be connected to the Pertici Visual measuring system as shown elsewhere on the website).
Flat plate variable angle, reverse butt, cill welder, corner welder. Completely rebuilt all parts checked.
Double head mitre saw, with 5m bed. Fixed head to the left. 400mm blades. Double air clamping. Short cut on both heads. New spray mist, switch head one/ head to both simultaneously. Digital read out (plus) standard length setting. All original.
P Macchine Automatic Copy Router Triple Drill
Suitable for aluminium and also uPVC. Much desired by many but very expensive when new. Currently going through a growing and service process. Ready for delivery very soon.

Automatic ( also available in manual ) single head chop saw. Air clamping. Stripped and rebuilt. Spraymist. Re-sharpened blade.
Pertici Two Head Drainslot ML141
Quality of Pertici with the high speed motors and positioning clamps, in addition to holding clamps with new cutters. 240V
Kombimatec 432 Single Head Welder (uPVC Only)
Flat plate welder. Does corners, reverse butts, cills, variable angle 90 degree - 45 degree, and straight welds.